Dragon's Reach CIC : The Dragon Drama Outreach Programme

Dragon’s Reach CIC is the outreach wing of Dragon Drama. Our current campaign, Dragon Drama for Young Carers works in co-operation with local charity Holly Lodge to provide Dragon Drama Holiday Events to Young Carers in our community. Young Carers are children and young adults who care for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support. We believe these young people should have imaginative and unforgettable experiences as a release from the challenges in their lives.


Our Holiday Events are unique, immersive and exciting experiences combining storytelling, play, devised theatre and den-building to create new imaginative worlds. Inspired by different cultures, folklore, legend and the mystery of stories they are a chance to dive into a new reality for a few days!


Donations contribute directly towards offering places on these events to Young Carers in the local community, who often feel the need to 'grow up' quickly in order to deal with their reality. The Dragon Drama universe is a place in which growing up is treated with a healthy suspicion. Play, imagination and experimentation allow us to remain truly creative, in childhood and beyond.